Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Privacy, Online and Off

Every day, nearly the entire world embraces technology. But did you know that in the midst of this tech love affair, your privacy is quietly slipping away? We willingly surrender our information—phone numbers, birthdays, even financial details for the convenience of Apple Pay. We casually share our lives on social media and use our cameras and mapping apps without a second thought. It's become second nature, but perhaps it's time to look closer at the price we pay for this digital convenience.

I've often underestimated how deeply our technology delves into our privacy, more than we can fathom. Juan Enriquez's TED Talk, "Your online life, permanent as a tattoo," struck a chord with me. The point is that our electronic tattoo last longer than a tattoo on the human body.

The electronic tattoo emerges when technology and social media employ facial recognition. Through this process, a picture of your face is captured, and companies like face.com have amassed a staggering 18 billion looks online. Subsequently, algorithms analyze your social media activity. Imagine this: as you stroll through a store, employees approach armed with knowledge about the options you've been exploring online, creating a seamless integration of your digital preferences into your real-world experience. It's the fusion of the online and offline worlds through the lens of facial recognition technology.

This is just one of the numerous breaches in our privacy. These privacy issues affect not just me but also my friends and family in ways I hadn't even considered. For instance, my iPhone stores many personal information, making me uneasy about its security. The prevalence of ring cameras raises another worry—could the government utilize the footage more extensively than I realize? It's a lingering thought that will now stay in my mind every time I unlock my phone or open my computer.

The government should play a more active role in safeguarding our online privacy. It's a matter that deserves heightened attention today, with robust laws in place to ensure our protection. Taking personal responsibility, I can contribute by being vigilant about the information I share online. It's crucial to be mindful when my iPhone camera is active, ensuring that what I record is intentional and knowledge I'm comfortable sharing with the world. Unfortunately, such precautions have become a necessity in our digital age.

Blog #3: 8 Values of Free Expression

One of the most crucial and esteemed amendments is the First Amendment, which grants us, as Americans, the fundamental right to freedom of speech. The first amendment states not only do we have freedom of speech but also freedom of religion, press assembly, and the right to petition the government. These rights give us space to stand up and vocalize our beliefs, which most countries do not have the right to do.

While exploring the Eight Values of freedom of speech, all the features discovered are essential. However, the one that particularly caught my attention was Individual Self-Fulfillment. 

Individual Self-fulfillment is when you have the right to form your own beliefs/opinions and express those beliefs/opinions. 

Today, we are witnessing a federal case involving Individual Self-Fulfillment. The 45th president of the United States of America and current candidate for the 2024 presidential election, Donald J. Trump, has recently been issued a gag order by a judge, prohibiting him from discussing Special Counsel Jack Smith's federal prosecution concerning his alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election.

The Jude, in the case of Tanya Chutkan, states that This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice. "His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs," the judge added. With the imposition of the gag order, the court is muzzling Donald Trump because they disapprove of what he's expressing on the internet." The judge's gag order has astonished the United States, raising questions about the government's ability to silence individuals. President Trump is actively contesting the gag order and is in the process of appealing it.

This is a violation of Donald Trump's First Amendment rights, as the government shouldn't be suppressing anyone's voice, mainly not based on their dislike of what Donald Trump is expressing. This also emphasizes Individual Self-Fulfillment, as the government is constraining Donald Trump from expressing himself and forging his own identity. 

It's concerning for a young 19-year-old preparing for her first presidential election to feel fear. Regardless of one's political views on Donald Trump, nobody in our country should ever be silenced by the government based on their opinions and beliefs.

On a personal level, I sincerely appreciated our government while I was growing up, as it allowed individuals to express themselves freely. As a shy child who took time to find my voice and develop my opinions, I discovered a means of self-expression through playing lacrosse. Throughout my school years, I faced challenges in school, hesitating to raise my hand or speak in front of the class, and often felt overlooked as a partner. However, picking up a lacrosse stick in second grade changed my trajectory. I excelled in lacrosse, becoming someone people wanted to collaborate with. I developed a strong lacrosse IQ, and my leadership skills led me to become the varsity lacrosse captain. Playing lacrosse enabled me to grow in ways I'm forever grateful for, particularly for the opportunity of Individual Self-Fulfillment, allowing me to express myself uniquely and carve out my identity.


Monday, October 30, 2023

Blog #2 The Supreme Court

  The Supreme Court possesses significant authority within the United States government, consisting of nine justices. It holds the crucial power to oversee and check the actions of both the legislative and executive branches.

The Supreme Court was established in 1789 by Article Three of the U.S. Constitution, which also granted Congress the power to create inferior federal courts.The Constitution granted Congress the authority to determine the Supreme Court's structure. In 1789, the Judiciary Act marked the legislative branch's inaugural exercise of this power. President George Washington signed the act into law, establishing a six-justice court with appointments lasting until death. 

In the initial gatherings of the Supreme Court, the primary emphasis was on structuring the organization and establishing procedures that would ultimately shape the court into the institution we recognize today. Today I read an article from History Channel called the Supreme Court and I watched a video talking about the Supreme Court and I was tasked with thinking deeper about the Supreme Court. 


What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

 One aspect of the Supreme Court that surprised me was the significant impact of the 14th Amendment on the United States. In the video, they referred to the 14th Amendment as the "Second Bill of Rights." This comparison is drawn because, just like the original Bill of Rights was established to safeguard citizens against federal power, the 14th Amendment aims to protect individuals from the potential abuses of state power. I was genuinely surprised to discover the importance of the 14th Amendment to our country, and I appreciate the video for enlightening me on this matter.

What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

While I've consistently recognized the gravity of the Supreme Court, I have yet to grasp the sheer volume of cases it handles fully. According to the video, the Supreme Court reviews more than 100 new cases yearly, with about 7,000. The complex process of selecting which cases make it to trial was also eye-opening for me. Typically, a case reaches the Supreme Court as a petition for certiorari—a written argument to convince the court that a lower court's decision was flawed. However, only a select few are granted full consideration, totaling around a hundred cases annually. This extensive and selective process highlights that the cases reaching the Supreme Court are not trivial; they are genuinely unique and of the most significant importance.

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

One of the most surprising revelations I gleaned from watching this video is the magnitude of accomplishment associated with serving on the Supreme Court and the substantial workload the position entails. The video highlighted that it takes 3 to 5 years to settle into the job's demands. Additionally, I learned that many Supreme Court judges continue working until a late age or until they pass away, contributing to the most advanced age of the justices. This newfound understanding adds a profound layer of appreciation for the dedication and endurance required of the Supreme Court judges. I now hold the utmost respect for their role in the judiciary.

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

After viewing these videos and reading the article from the History Channel, my perspective on the Supreme Court has undergone a significant shift. I hadn't realized the intricate process of selecting cases for the Supreme Court, and I've developed a newfound respect for the justices who dedicate their lives to serving on the highest court.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Kaitlin's Top 5 News Sources


Instagram is my go-to news source—the hub for catching up on worldwide events. Given its immense popularity in my generation, it's only natural that I, like many others, find myself immersed in various social media platforms. However, Instagram takes the lead for me when it comes to staying informed.

I follow news outlets that share insightful videos or visuals, providing a quick and engaging overview of global events. It's incredibly convenient since I'm already on the app, casually scrolling through my feed. I don't have the time or patience to sit down and read a newspaper or watch the news. So Instagram seamlessly offers me a snapshot of what's unfolding in the world. 

Apple News 

I own an iPhone, and Apple News comes pre-installed on it. It's one of my go-to news outlets. Navigating through Apple News is a breeze, thanks to its well-organized layout that keeps me updated on global events. One standout feature I appreciate is the ability to receive trading notifications. When I click on these notifications, they direct me to the relevant article. Apple News truly excels in keeping me informed about what's happening in my surroundings.

The Daily Mail  

The Daily Mail is my go-to for worldwide issues and celebrity drama. With a dedicated feature on Snapchat, I can easily click through their story and delve into articles on trending topics. Thanks to this convenient Snapchat feature, I make it a point to catch up with the Daily Mail daily. It's the perfect on-the-go news source for me.


TikTok is an incredibly engaging app that can easily captivate you for hours. While scrolling through videos of people showcasing trending dances or watching hauls where individuals share their recent shopping finds, you'll also encounter creators dedicating their time to addressing current global issues. While TikTok may not always be a reliable source, it is a platform that sparks interest in various topics. This causes me to research to understand the issues at hand better.


                                                                                      Lohud is the newspaper that covers my local small town in Westchester, New York. I frequently turn to Lohud to stay connected with what's happening at home while I'm away at school. It reports on worldwide issues and covers events in New York and issues specific to the town where I live. Lohud is particularly exciting because it features all my friends and me—from our sports games to our high school activities—making us feel like local celebrities. Lohud excels at capturing moments in my small town.



Final Blog Post

   From a 19-year-old Gen Z perspective, my journey with technology began early, vividly recalling the day my parents embraced the iPhone re...