Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Blog #3: 8 Values of Free Expression

One of the most crucial and esteemed amendments is the First Amendment, which grants us, as Americans, the fundamental right to freedom of speech. The first amendment states not only do we have freedom of speech but also freedom of religion, press assembly, and the right to petition the government. These rights give us space to stand up and vocalize our beliefs, which most countries do not have the right to do.

While exploring the Eight Values of freedom of speech, all the features discovered are essential. However, the one that particularly caught my attention was Individual Self-Fulfillment. 

Individual Self-fulfillment is when you have the right to form your own beliefs/opinions and express those beliefs/opinions. 

Today, we are witnessing a federal case involving Individual Self-Fulfillment. The 45th president of the United States of America and current candidate for the 2024 presidential election, Donald J. Trump, has recently been issued a gag order by a judge, prohibiting him from discussing Special Counsel Jack Smith's federal prosecution concerning his alleged attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election.

The Jude, in the case of Tanya Chutkan, states that This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice. "His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs," the judge added. With the imposition of the gag order, the court is muzzling Donald Trump because they disapprove of what he's expressing on the internet." The judge's gag order has astonished the United States, raising questions about the government's ability to silence individuals. President Trump is actively contesting the gag order and is in the process of appealing it.

This is a violation of Donald Trump's First Amendment rights, as the government shouldn't be suppressing anyone's voice, mainly not based on their dislike of what Donald Trump is expressing. This also emphasizes Individual Self-Fulfillment, as the government is constraining Donald Trump from expressing himself and forging his own identity. 

It's concerning for a young 19-year-old preparing for her first presidential election to feel fear. Regardless of one's political views on Donald Trump, nobody in our country should ever be silenced by the government based on their opinions and beliefs.

On a personal level, I sincerely appreciated our government while I was growing up, as it allowed individuals to express themselves freely. As a shy child who took time to find my voice and develop my opinions, I discovered a means of self-expression through playing lacrosse. Throughout my school years, I faced challenges in school, hesitating to raise my hand or speak in front of the class, and often felt overlooked as a partner. However, picking up a lacrosse stick in second grade changed my trajectory. I excelled in lacrosse, becoming someone people wanted to collaborate with. I developed a strong lacrosse IQ, and my leadership skills led me to become the varsity lacrosse captain. Playing lacrosse enabled me to grow in ways I'm forever grateful for, particularly for the opportunity of Individual Self-Fulfillment, allowing me to express myself uniquely and carve out my identity.


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