Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Blog Post #7 Diffusion of Innovation's

The cell phone is one of the most universal pieces of tech in our lives today. Almost 95% of Americans own one, a staggering number reflecting their across-the-board adoption of this technology. Back then, having a cell phone was a luxury, a symbol of the times. Fast forward, and the evolution of cell phones has been nothing short of dramatic. These devices remain at the forefront of technological development with constant changes and advancements. That's why I chose to dive into the fascinating cell phone world. 

Before the birth of cell phones, people lived their day-to-day lives without the constant need for contact or worry about others. Nowadays, instant responses are expected, and conversations with the same person can happen multiple times daily. It's reached a point where many can't imagine life without a cell phone, and these devices have surpassed our wildest imaginations. Beyond calls and texts, they serve as platforms for shopping, reading, photography, and much more. However, have you ever considered whether this dependency is a potential downside? Are we placing too much trust in our cell phones? Our devices hold not just our conversations but also our medical records, banking details, and sensitive information, creating opportunities for theft and hacking. 

The first cell phone was introduced in 1973, allowing users a maximum talk time of 30 minutes. Martin Cooper holds the distinction of making the inaugural call on this groundbreaking device. Given its originality, the initial cost was understandably steep, with a price tag of $3,995—equivalent to a hefty $10,000 in today's currency. The price of cell phones has gone above and beyond, and with a phone costing 10,000, it's unaffordable for most people to buy themselves and their families a cell phone. 

In the 2000 survey, 28.3 percent of respondents claimed cell phone ownership. Fast forward to 2023, and the estimated global smartphone users have skyrocketed to 5.25 billion. The increase of cell phones over the past 23 years has been remarkable. For some, adapting to the era of cell phones proved challenging, and even today, some individuals choose not to own one. The concept of a cell phone is a tough sell for some, as it involves placing trust in both the government and the tech industry with sensitive information, and the unknown applications of that information can be a cause for concern. Cell phones among teenagers have their drawbacks, contributing to increased rates of anxiety and depression. The pervasive use of cell phones and their social media platforms have become significant factors in these issues. Unfortunately, bullying has found a new avenue through cell phones, giving rise to a distinct form known as cyberbullying. Seeing these negative consequences emerging from the devices meant to connect and facilitate communication is disheartening.

For some, a cell phone adds a whole new dimension to life. It facilitates connections with family and friends who may be miles away. The efficiency it brings, allowing quick responses to work and personal emails, is undeniable. The convenience of sending a brief text message for a simple question has become a norm. The capabilities of a phone today extend far beyond what was once imaginable. Beyond convenience, cell phones also play a role in personal safety worldwide. Edlund and Machado even estimate that the widespread use of mobile phones contributed to a significant decrease in homicides between 1990 and 2000.

I've found great enjoyment and ease in owning a cell phone, but it's crucial to acknowledge the challenges that come with it. While these devices were designed to simplify our lives, it's worth pondering whether we've taken the convenience too far. 


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Blog Post #6 Anti- War

Upon diving into Antiwar.com, I was surprised and a tad taken aback. The opinions presented on this site are refreshingly bold quite different from the usual narratives in mainstream news. The website's upfront and in-your-face style gives it a somewhat chaotic vibe. Currently in the spotlight is an article discussing "How Israel controls the narrative".

Upon navigating The American Conservative website, the experience was certainly more accessible to the eyes, creating a more comfortable reading environment. This platform covers significant current issues, and a standout article currently trending is titled "Selling Aid to Ukraine: Spilling Blood to Create Jobs."

Many tend to prefer the brighter side of life, opting for denial rather than delving into the significant challenges surrounding us. I used to be one who shied away from discussing the negatives, focusing solely on the positive aspects. However, as I've matured, I've come to realize that navigating life requires acknowledging the good, the bad, and the diverse perspectives. To be an informed member of society, embracing a holistic understanding is crucial.

Many would resonate with my perspective. The writers on these sites indeed express robust and diverse opinions. It's hard to ignore that these rich anti-war views seem intentionally concealed from mainstream society. The fear is that if these narratives easily reach the public, it could stir up complete madness. After reading numerous articles unveiling what's genuinely transpiring behind the scenes, it's evident that the last thing our world needs is more madness .

Friday, November 10, 2023

Blog Post #4 EOTO Project

The technology timeline unfolds a narrative of diverse inventions that have evolved our world. Among these innovations, let's delve into the intriguing history of the typewriter. The modern typewriter we know today has undergone significant transformations from its early conceptualization.

The roots of the typewriter trace back to 1714 when Englishman Henry Mill sought a patent for "an artificial machine or method for the impressing or transcribing of letters singly or progressively one after another." However, the first proven working typewriter emerged in 1808, crafted by Italian inventor Pellegrino Turri. He designed it for his blind friend, Countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzano. Regrettably, the machine's appearance remains a mystery, but we do possess letters written by the Countess using it.

Throughout the 19th century, inventors in Europe and the U.S. dedicated their efforts to perfecting typewriters. Commercial success finally dawned with the introduction of the "writing ball" by Danish pastor Rasmus Malling-Hansen in 1870. This well-engineered device bore a resemblance to a pincushion. Interestingly, Nietzsche's mother and sister once gifted him one for Christmas, an offering he vehemently disliked.

The primary credit for this incredible machine goes to Christopher L. Sholes, a multifaceted individual hailing from Milwaukee—newspaperman, poet, and part-time inventor. Originally conceived for numbering book pages, the project took an inspired turn toward a machine capable of printing words and numbers. Production commenced in late 1873 and debuted on the American market in 1874.

The use of typewriters brought about profound changes in our world. Upon its introduction, the machine astounded the world with its ability to simplify work significantly. The typewriter could accomplish tasks that would traditionally require the efforts of 40 individuals in less than half the time. Moreover, it opened up job opportunities for women, with companies actively hiring them for clerical tasks. Typing, a skill facilitated by the typewriter, not only offered a viable job option for women but also came with competitive pay, sometimes even surpassing that of teaching—an established career path for women during that era. The typewriter revolutionized efficiency across businesses globally, steering a new generation of writing culture that rendered handwriting outdated.

The typewriter was a  revolutionary invention that profoundly transformed the world by redefining how we communicate and conduct business. Before the typewriter , written communication relied heavily on manual handwriting, a time-consuming and often laborious process. With its mechanical keys and uniform typeface, the typewriter brought unprecedented speed and efficiency to writing tasks. Businesses experienced a significant boost in productivity as documents could now be produced with remarkable speed and clarity. This ingenious device not only streamlined communication but also paved the way for subsequent advancements in office technology, leaving a lasting mark on the evolution of written expression and professional life. One significant issue people encountered with the typewriter was its need for more robust construction, making it a delicate machine. Among the significant challenges was placing the keys in the resting position, which affected the visibility of the typed text.

The typewriter was a groundbreaking invention in its own right, as it paved the way for the next wave of technological advancements. Its introduction marked a crucial moment in the evolution of writing and communication technologies. The mechanical invention of the typewriter inspired inventors and engineers to explore further possibilities in automation. As the demand for more efficient and cultivated machines grew, the typewriter laid the groundwork for future technologies, including early computing devices and word processors. The concept of a machine automating the process of creating written content opened doors to innovative thinking, setting the stage for the digital age. In many ways, the typewriter is a prototype of the transformative technologies that continue to shape our modern world.





Final Blog Post

   From a 19-year-old Gen Z perspective, my journey with technology began early, vividly recalling the day my parents embraced the iPhone re...