Monday, December 11, 2023

Final Blog Post


 From a 19-year-old Gen Z perspective, my journey with technology began early, vividly recalling the day my parents embraced the iPhone revolution. , and all I wanted to do was take pictures and play games. After that, I got my own iPad, and when I was in fifth grade, I received my first iPhone. Being exposed to technology at a young age has made me have an unhealthy relationship with technology because my generation never knows when to put our technology away. Like most people, we spend countless hours scrolling, texting, and calling each other. We need to realize how many hours we spend on our phones. When I first got my phone, it was because I was going to middle school and needed it for safety reasons, but that was not my focus. All I wanted to do was get involved with social media, which consumed me. My generation also has designed social media, and we are obsessed, which is not a good thing and can lead to depression and a false sense of reality. 

The Tears For Fears Mad video was very impactful to watch. It shows how much technology is changing the world we live in. In today's world, we are so attached to our phones, and we don't know how to function when we don't have our phones or when it's time to take a break from our screens. If you walk around this college campus, everyone is walking while looking at their phones, and I am just as guilty; if you go to a dining hall, look how many people are sitting with their friends and are all scrolling on their phones, not having a genuine conversation. When our phones are always in our faces, we miss the beautiful gifts of the world. We miss looking at how beautiful nature is, or we miss watching people fall in love; we miss the unforgettable moments with our friends and family all because a screen was in our faces, taking away from the pure moments of life.       

The video also touched on a crucial subject that has become a problem in the world due to technology: we are losing our sense of what is right and wrong. The video shows a fight happening, and instead of people trying to stop and calm the situation, they are seen recording on their phones. Another clip shows a building burning on fire, and instead of calling for help, the lady is seen posing in front and taking a picture. This issue started with the Gen-Z generation. We are losing the ability to care about doing the right thing and having proper emotions. We express ourselves with emojis or gifs. This means we have different versions to show how we love and care for others.   

Expanding on the impact of social media, its influence on young kids often leans towards harm rather than good. Cyberbullying emerges as a significant issue, with kids facing harassment from anonymous individuals sending mean messages or assuming false identities. Tragically, this digital form of bullying has contributed to a disturbing rise in teen suicide rates. "Between 2000 and 2007, the suicide rate among youth aged 10 to 24 remained around 6.8 deaths per 100,000 people. However, by 2017, the rate surged to 10.6 deaths per 100,000—a distressing 56-percent increase in less than two decades". Social media and cyberbullying play a substantial role in this alarming trend. Despite guidelines on responsible posting, kids' widespread exposure to social media often results in consequences, as they fail to grasp the potential impact of inappropriate online content.

Reflecting on my digital footprint, when I googled my name online, my LinkedIn came up with VSCO, a social media app where you post and tag pictures on Instagram. This paints the image that I have an online presence, and if a potential job googled me, there would be nothing alarming, but that was because I am very cautious about what I put on social media.   

Technology and social media are essential. Being from New York and attending college in North Carolina, I'm immensely grateful for the ability to stay connected with friends and family through these tools. Technology also brings about numerous benefits for us. However, given the rapid pace of global development, I'm concerned that we may encounter significant issues in the future if we fail to recognize our increasing dependence on technology for fundamental human interactions.                                           


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Living in the Age of AI

 The frontline episode on PBS about AI revealed a lot. Everyone has so many questions about AI because it's so new, and everyone is wondering if AI is a good thing for the world or a bad thing. In the episode, they state that 50% of jobs will be lost due to AI in the workplace. A colossal con that is presented with AI is the loss of jobs in the workplace. The episode on PBS  mentions that most Americans can't cover a $400 supers charge, so there's no way they can afford to change their profession. Using my outside knowledge in my last EOTO post, I was responsible for learning about AI and machine learning. This will be a big problem; people are nervous about job loss, which could worsen the economy. 

Online security and privacy face significant challenges with the advent of AI. Online programs already pose risks to personal information, and the complexity of AI programming introduces new security threats. Larger companies or government entities could use this complex technology to access personal information. AI and robots are highly superior in more technologically advanced cities like Tokyo. Cities and countries of this nature threaten our national security. The facial ID issue in China heightens this concern, as AI programs can obtain extensive information about individuals by looking at their faces. China is flooded with cameras featuring AI-driven facial recognition technology. Several initiatives utilize AI to assign individuals a "social credit" score, penalizing certain behaviors and rewarding others based on the government's definition of good citizenship. The unsettling aspect is that AI can employ face ID without our knowledge, compromising everyone's privacy.

The documentary does an excellent job of offering different perspectives on AI. Some parts of the documentary share the positive effects AI can have on our society. Numerous opportunities exist where AI can benefit diverse groups within our community, including businesses, educators, medical professionals, and students.

Whether AI is good or bad for us is a loaded question. But AI is not going anywhere, and we have to accept that. But we will have to, as a security, determine laws for AI usage so lines are not crossed. This documentary provides information on all aspects of the topic for those who want to learn about AI and see how it can affect them.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Blog 8 : EOTO #2

For my second Each One Teach One project, our group explored group 5. Initially, the terms associated with this group were unfamiliar, and I needed to gain more knowledge. I was given the fascinating realm of the age of AI and machine learning. My understanding of AI was initially limited to ChatGPT, and machine learning was a foreign concept. However, my research has gained a wealth of knowledge on these subjects. 

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two emerging technologies poised to reshape our world permanently. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the capability of a computer system to replicate human mental functions, such as learning and problem-solving. With AI, a computer employs mathematics and logic to emulate human reasoning, enabling it to learn from new information and make decisions.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, applies mathematical models to facilitate computer learning without direct instruction. This process allows a computer system to develop intelligence by improving performance based on data patterns. The synergy between AI and machine learning is evident as an intelligent computer utilizes AI to think like a human and autonomously execute tasks. In essence, machine learning is how a computer system boosts its intelligence.

AI is everywhere, seamlessly integrated into various aspects of our lives, often in places we may not even notice. Take, for instance, Amazon Alexa—it's a prime example of AI in action. Have you ever wondered why you suddenly find related ads popping up on your Instagram feed after searching for something on Amazon? That's the work of AI. Even the GPS in your car relies heavily on AI for smooth navigation and real-time updates. 

AI brings lasting benefits to our world, with interdisciplinary teams designing healthcare-focused AI for reliable medical diagnosis and treatment. Socially therapeutic robots, acting like pets, reduce tension, blood pressure, and anxiety while enhancing social interaction for seniors. Cyborgs are proposed as companions, potentially assisting with household chores for older adults. This collaborative effort promises positive advancements for human well-being. AI-enabled computers eliminate errors when accurately programmed. Machine learning offers significant benefits in the business world, maintaining customers through historical data analysis and identifying potential churn. It enhances planning by predicting future costs, demand, and price trends, aiding in budgeting and securing financial stability. And these are just a few of machine learning's many benefits.

AI brings benefits, but there are potential drawbacks, too. AI Bias is a concern, as algorithms may reflect the biases of their human creators. This bias can impact results if present in the training data. Accelerated Hacking is another issue, as automation makes it harder for humans to detect malicious activities like phishing and virus delivery. AI Terrorism poses a new threat, with possibilities ranging from autonomous drones to remote attacks. Adapting to these challenges is crucial for law enforcement and defense organizations.

AI's impact on society and the economy is profound. Its task efficiency has led to job displacement, such as in automobile assembly lines where machines have replaced human workers. Even in supermarkets, digital devices take over tasks once done by clerks. The APA's 2023 Work in America survey indicates that 38% of U.S. workers fear AI could make their job duties obsolete. AI automation's societal and economic consequences are precise, requiring thoughtful adaptation and support for those affected.

Now, how will AI affect my generation? That is a great question and one that I need to find out if anyone has the answer to. But it is not going to end well. We all need human interaction; with AI and machine learning, human interaction will decrease. This also leads to the employment problem; we will now see robots for the jobs humans will do. 


Final Blog Post

   From a 19-year-old Gen Z perspective, my journey with technology began early, vividly recalling the day my parents embraced the iPhone re...