Thursday, December 7, 2023

Living in the Age of AI

 The frontline episode on PBS about AI revealed a lot. Everyone has so many questions about AI because it's so new, and everyone is wondering if AI is a good thing for the world or a bad thing. In the episode, they state that 50% of jobs will be lost due to AI in the workplace. A colossal con that is presented with AI is the loss of jobs in the workplace. The episode on PBS  mentions that most Americans can't cover a $400 supers charge, so there's no way they can afford to change their profession. Using my outside knowledge in my last EOTO post, I was responsible for learning about AI and machine learning. This will be a big problem; people are nervous about job loss, which could worsen the economy. 

Online security and privacy face significant challenges with the advent of AI. Online programs already pose risks to personal information, and the complexity of AI programming introduces new security threats. Larger companies or government entities could use this complex technology to access personal information. AI and robots are highly superior in more technologically advanced cities like Tokyo. Cities and countries of this nature threaten our national security. The facial ID issue in China heightens this concern, as AI programs can obtain extensive information about individuals by looking at their faces. China is flooded with cameras featuring AI-driven facial recognition technology. Several initiatives utilize AI to assign individuals a "social credit" score, penalizing certain behaviors and rewarding others based on the government's definition of good citizenship. The unsettling aspect is that AI can employ face ID without our knowledge, compromising everyone's privacy.

The documentary does an excellent job of offering different perspectives on AI. Some parts of the documentary share the positive effects AI can have on our society. Numerous opportunities exist where AI can benefit diverse groups within our community, including businesses, educators, medical professionals, and students.

Whether AI is good or bad for us is a loaded question. But AI is not going anywhere, and we have to accept that. But we will have to, as a security, determine laws for AI usage so lines are not crossed. This documentary provides information on all aspects of the topic for those who want to learn about AI and see how it can affect them.

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