Monday, December 4, 2023

Blog 8 : EOTO #2

For my second Each One Teach One project, our group explored group 5. Initially, the terms associated with this group were unfamiliar, and I needed to gain more knowledge. I was given the fascinating realm of the age of AI and machine learning. My understanding of AI was initially limited to ChatGPT, and machine learning was a foreign concept. However, my research has gained a wealth of knowledge on these subjects. 

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two emerging technologies poised to reshape our world permanently. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the capability of a computer system to replicate human mental functions, such as learning and problem-solving. With AI, a computer employs mathematics and logic to emulate human reasoning, enabling it to learn from new information and make decisions.

Machine learning, a subset of AI, applies mathematical models to facilitate computer learning without direct instruction. This process allows a computer system to develop intelligence by improving performance based on data patterns. The synergy between AI and machine learning is evident as an intelligent computer utilizes AI to think like a human and autonomously execute tasks. In essence, machine learning is how a computer system boosts its intelligence.

AI is everywhere, seamlessly integrated into various aspects of our lives, often in places we may not even notice. Take, for instance, Amazon Alexa—it's a prime example of AI in action. Have you ever wondered why you suddenly find related ads popping up on your Instagram feed after searching for something on Amazon? That's the work of AI. Even the GPS in your car relies heavily on AI for smooth navigation and real-time updates. 

AI brings lasting benefits to our world, with interdisciplinary teams designing healthcare-focused AI for reliable medical diagnosis and treatment. Socially therapeutic robots, acting like pets, reduce tension, blood pressure, and anxiety while enhancing social interaction for seniors. Cyborgs are proposed as companions, potentially assisting with household chores for older adults. This collaborative effort promises positive advancements for human well-being. AI-enabled computers eliminate errors when accurately programmed. Machine learning offers significant benefits in the business world, maintaining customers through historical data analysis and identifying potential churn. It enhances planning by predicting future costs, demand, and price trends, aiding in budgeting and securing financial stability. And these are just a few of machine learning's many benefits.

AI brings benefits, but there are potential drawbacks, too. AI Bias is a concern, as algorithms may reflect the biases of their human creators. This bias can impact results if present in the training data. Accelerated Hacking is another issue, as automation makes it harder for humans to detect malicious activities like phishing and virus delivery. AI Terrorism poses a new threat, with possibilities ranging from autonomous drones to remote attacks. Adapting to these challenges is crucial for law enforcement and defense organizations.

AI's impact on society and the economy is profound. Its task efficiency has led to job displacement, such as in automobile assembly lines where machines have replaced human workers. Even in supermarkets, digital devices take over tasks once done by clerks. The APA's 2023 Work in America survey indicates that 38% of U.S. workers fear AI could make their job duties obsolete. AI automation's societal and economic consequences are precise, requiring thoughtful adaptation and support for those affected.

Now, how will AI affect my generation? That is a great question and one that I need to find out if anyone has the answer to. But it is not going to end well. We all need human interaction; with AI and machine learning, human interaction will decrease. This also leads to the employment problem; we will now see robots for the jobs humans will do. 


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